Filebank is usable with web browser and -connection from anywhere!
Filebank is, as its name suggests, a storage location for files. You can save in the bank all kinds of files (e.g. WORD-, EXCEL- and PDF- files, pictures and so on) and easily share them with partners, workmates, retailers and customers.
Managing, adding and removing files is easy and because of clear folder structure your companies files are up-to-date and organized. With permission handling, you can easily choose, who are eligible to see and / or manage the contents.
Filebank functions
- How to log in to filebank
- How to change file bank language
- Basic view (Filebank)
- Creating a new user and adding permissions (Filebank)
- Creating groups (Filebank)
- Adding and removing users in groups (Filebank)
- Adding and removing folders (Filebank)
- Adding and removing files (Filebank)
- Managing folders and permissions (Filebank)
- Commenting files and folders (Filebank)