Adding and removing folders
Adding a folder
- How to log in to filebank (See instructions here).
- Click in the left side, under, ‘Location:’ -title that folder, under which you want to add the new folder.
- If you haven’t created any folders, you can add a new one only under ‘Personal’ -folder.
- When you have selected the folder to add a new folder in, click ‘+ New’ -button.

- Click ‘Folder’.

- Name the folder and click ‘Ok’.

- The folder is now visible, where it was added in.

Removing folder
- Right-click the folder you want to remove and click ‘Poista’.

- Confirm with ‘OK’.

Filebank functions
- How to log in to filebank
- How to change file bank language
- Basic view (Filebank)
- Creating a new user and adding permissions (Filebank)
- Creating groups (Filebank)
- Adding and removing users in groups (Filebank)
- Adding and removing folders (Filebank)
- Adding and removing files (Filebank)
- Managing folders and permissions (Filebank)
- Commenting files and folders (Filebank)