Creating a new user and adding permissions
- How to log in to filebank (See instructions here).
- If you don’t see Users-tab in top, click Start Menu → Users.

- Click ‘Users’ -tab and click ‘Add’.

- In ‘Account’ -tab, give atleast mandatory information:
- Username:
- Password:
- Confirm password:
- First name:
- Last name:
- E-Mail:

- Add permissions for users or give more information about the user by clicking the desired tab.

Adding permissions for user
- Click ‘Permissions’ -tab.
- Click in ‘Files’ -row ticks in ‘Use’ ja ‘Manage’.
- In ‘Permissions’ -tab you can define groups that user is part of and for which the user is visible.
- This way, users in groups can share files with others.
- Finally click ‘Apply’ -button.

- After done, click ‘Ok’ -button.
Filebank functions
- How to log in to filebank
- How to change file bank language
- Basic view (Filebank)
- Creating a new user and adding permissions (Filebank)
- Creating groups (Filebank)
- Adding and removing users in groups (Filebank)
- Adding and removing folders (Filebank)
- Adding and removing files (Filebank)
- Managing folders and permissions (Filebank)
- Commenting files and folders (Filebank)